Imagine finding yourself carrying the needed computer bag, two suitcases and an extra duffel bag. How many days do you think you should be on the road or away from home with this much baggage? How many shoes have you packed? And what about travel adapters and laptop power adapters?

Travel packing is one of the biggest challenges that most people encounter, whether they’re traveling for an overnight trip, spending three days on business travel or taking a international business trip. Most people experience that same urge to make sure they include options for unanticipated needs: extra outfits and backup items in case the weather changes.

Toiletries is a category all its own when it comes to travel packing. And while toiletries are important, it’s even more important to simplify and organize only essential items in travel sizes whenever possible.

Keep in mind that when you’re traveling traveling, your hotel closet shouldn’t appear as if it can double for your personal closet back home after it contains your belongings.

And if the idea of carrying baggage that equals a significant percentage of your body weight doesn’t encourage you to streamline the packing, airline baggage allowance fees probably — and unfortunately — will. Most airlines have adopted baggage fee policies to increase revenue, so the heavier the bag, the greater the potential for additional bag fees, excess weight fees and more. Consider these business travel packing tips.